
T H E   B L O G G E R

Ysabelle or Ysa,  is a 23-yr old Quality Assurance Analyst and is a Registered Pharmacy in the Philippines. She is a little under or equal to 5ft, just so you know. Thea enjoys thrifting, reading, crafting, journaling, watching and creating youtube videos, hanging out with family and friends, eating and of course, sleeping. A frugal person she is, so she likes finding the best deals and making use of whatever she has (though sometimes a good spoil won't hurt). She wants to be able to make a living off of her multiple hobbies and passions to make her life more meaningful. Like most people with a full-time job that takes up most of their time but wants to do a lot of things, she tries to make time in order to present to people what she loves even if she gets little compensation out of it. 
She believes that: 

"One can never have to many hobbies even with so little time" 
-Ysabelle F. 

T H E   B L O G

This blog is Ysa's little escape from all the stress she she encountered during her college days, and is still something she escapes to with all the work stress. Travel diaries, outfit posts, DIYs, Book Review, tips and tricks and even some pieces of her life can be found in this blog. You might see more of certain aspects but that's just how her mind works. She dives in with whatever grabs her interest at the current time and hustles for it. 


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